Welcome to GDA!
We are the club for all things game development at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Whether you want to work on games through our mock studio, expand your skillset through various workshops, or just hang out with other UCSC students during weekly community events, there’s always something for you here at GDA!

Mock Studio
Our mock studio is unique to UCSC clubs and organizations; we meet every Friday from 6-8pm (PST) to develop original games. Want to join in on the fun? Hop in our Discord to get notified about meetings and other mock studio updates!
Upcoming Events
Happy holidays from GDA– Check back soon!
Patch Notes
Get the latest on mock studio progress and other GDA updates here!
Dev Log 0
The Game Design & Art Collaboration (GDA) spends its Fall quarter in fierce suspense as a handful of members work tirelessly to answer a single burning question: What game will GDA make next? The winner of a vote held between our members’ game pitches near the end of November sparks the beginning of development for…
Hello world!
Dearest reader, I am thrilled to welcome you to the revamped GDA website! I’m Kim, GDA’s webmaster for the 2024-25 school year. I’m a senior studying computer science with a minor in film, and when I’m not fulfilling my webmaster duties, you can catch me going for a run, eating ice cream, or wish-listing egregiously-priced…